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67 | 7 Traps Entrepreneurs Must Avoid to Build a Successful Business

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with excitement and challenges. As an entrepreneur, it is essential to have a clear vision, a solid strategy, and a focused mindset to succeed. However, there are some common traps that entrepreneurs can fall into that can hinder their success. In this article, we will explore some of these traps and provide examples of famous entrepreneurs who have fallen into them.

1. The Perfection Trap

The perfection trap is when entrepreneurs strive for perfection and delay launching their product or service. They believe that their product must be perfect before it hits the market. This mindset can lead to missed opportunities and delays in generating revenue. Instead, entrepreneurs should focus on getting their product to market quickly and iterate based on customer feedback.

Famous Example: Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, fell into the perfection trap when he tried to sell Netflix to Blockbuster in 2000. At the time, Netflix was a DVD rental-by-mail service, and Hastings believed that Blockbuster was the perfect partner to expand the business. However, Blockbuster rejected the offer, and Hastings realized that he needed to shift the focus of Netflix to streaming. He later admitted that he had fallen into the perfection trap and had delayed launching the streaming service because he wanted it to be perfect.

2. The Solo-Founder Trap

The solo-founder trap is when entrepreneurs try to manage all aspects of the business on their own. While it is possible to run a successful business as a solo-founder, it can be challenging to manage everything on your own. Partnering with someone who brings complementary skills and experiences to the table can help you build a better business.

Famous Example: Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, fell into the solo-founder trap in the early days of the company. He believed that he could manage all aspects of the business on his own and refused to hire a CEO. However, as the company grew, Jobs realized that he needed someone to run the day-to-day operations of the business. He eventually hired John Sculley as CEO, but their relationship soured, and Jobs was forced out of the company. When he returned to Apple in the late 1990s, Jobs realized the importance of having a strong leadership team and surrounded himself with talented executives.

3. The Growth-At-All-Costs Trap

The growth-at-all-costs trap is when entrepreneurs focus solely on growth and ignore profitability. They believe that if they can grow the business quickly, profitability will come later. However, this mindset can lead to a business that is unsustainable in the long run. It is essential to balance growth with financial stability and profitability.

Famous Example: Travis Kalanick, the co-founder of Uber, fell into the growth-at-all-costs trap. Kalanick believed that if Uber could grow quickly, it would dominate the ride-sharing market. However, the company's aggressive growth strategy led to a series of scandals and legal issues. In 2017, Kalanick was forced to resign as CEO, and Uber had to shift its focus to profitability.

4. The Shiny Object Syndrome

The shiny object syndrome is when entrepreneurs become distracted by new ideas and opportunities and lose focus on their core business. It is essential to stay disciplined and prioritize what is most important for the success of the business.

Famous Example: Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been criticized for falling into the shiny object syndrome. Musk is known for his ambitious ideas, such as colonizing Mars and building a high-speed transportation system called the Hyperloop. However, some critics believe that he should focus more on Tesla and make it profitable before pursuing these other projects.

5. The Do-It-All Trap

The do-it-all trap is when entrepreneurs feel that they need to do everything themselves to save money. However, this mindset can lead to burnout and a lack of focus. It is essential to focus on your strengths and outsource or delegate tasks that are outside of your expertise.

Famous Example: Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder, and CEO of Facebook, fell into the do-it-all trap in the early days of the company. He wanted to have complete control over the product and was hesitant to hire a team to help him. However, as the company grew, Zuckerberg realized that he needed a strong team to manage the business. He now has a team of thousands of employees who help him run Facebook.

6. The Funding Trap

The funding trap is when entrepreneurs believe that raising funds is the only indicator of success. While funding can be crucial for the growth of a business, it is not the only factor that determines success. It is essential to focus on building a profitable and sustainable business.

Famous Example: Elizabeth Holmes, the founder, and CEO of Theranos, fell into the funding trap. Theranos was a healthcare technology company that claimed to have developed a revolutionary blood-testing device. The company raised billions of dollars in funding from investors and was valued at $9 billion at its peak. However, it was later revealed that the technology did not work as advertised, and the company was shut down. Holmes now faces criminal charges for fraud.

7. The Short-Term Thinking Trap

The short-term thinking trap is when entrepreneurs get caught up in the day-to-day operations of the business and fail to think about the long-term vision and strategy. It is essential to take the time to step back and plan for the future.

Famous Example: Jeff Bezos, the founder, and CEO of Amazon, has been criticized for falling into the short-term thinking trap. Amazon is known for its focus on customer experience and is willing to sacrifice short-term profits to achieve long-term growth. However, some analysts believe that Amazon's focus on growth at the expense of profitability could be unsustainable in the long run.

Recommendations for Further Reading

If you're an entrepreneur looking to avoid these traps, here are three books that you should read:

1. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries - This book provides a framework for building a successful business by focusing on experimentation and iteration.

2. The Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup by Noam Wasserman - This book explores the common challenges that founders face when starting and growing a business.

3. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't by Jim Collins - This book explores why some companies are able to achieve long-term success while others struggle to grow.

In conclusion, entrepreneurship is a challenging but rewarding path. By being aware of these common traps, entrepreneurs can avoid them and stay focused on building a successful and sustainable business. Remember to focus on your strengths, prioritize what's important, and think about the long-term vision and strategy for your business.


1. Entrepreneurs face many challenges, including common traps that can hinder their success.

2. These traps include the perfection trap, the solo-founder trap, the growth-at-all-costs trap, the shiny object syndrome, the do-it-all trap, the funding trap, and the short-term thinking trap.

3. Awareness of these traps can help entrepreneurs avoid them and stay focused on building a successful and sustainable business.

4. Mark Zuckerberg fell into the do-it-all trap, while Elizabeth Holmes fell into the funding trap.

5. To avoid these traps, entrepreneurs can read books such as The Lean Startup, The Founder's Dilemmas, and Good to Great.

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